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Zoids Chapter 2

By Chibi Reli,
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Chapter 4:

Bit and Ami in a fight, The Battle Between the Gemini and Blitz Teams

Zoids: Chapter Two - The Blitz Team is in the S Class, but someone is leaving the group. The pilot taking his place is a girl named Ami Kamiya, or better known as Fire Cat with her one of a kind Zoid Rapidfire. Can this new team have what it takes and is Bit falling for the new pilot.

This fanfic tells what happens to the Blitz Team after the television show. The Zoid called Rapidfire and the pilot nicknamed Fire Cat are unique. Tim Seltzer,

Disclaimer: Chibi Reli does not own Zoids, but did create the original characters who are not from the TV show.

            "Alright! That's another battle won for the great and undefeatable Fire Cat."

            "And the great Ligar Zero." Ami and Bit cheer from the open cockpits of their Zoids.

            "Great job you two. You guys are on a role," Dr. Toros comments, “With these two, we’ll get enough money to last us along time.”

            "Hey, what about me?  I was fighting too," Leena says slumping and crossing her arms.

            "But you got knocked out early. It was really only Ami and Bit that did most of the fighting. And with those two fighting, no one will beat us."

            "I say we go back to the hover cargo and celebrate," Ami suggests.

            "Yeah!" the three men agree.

            "Cheers!" Bit, Ami, Doctor Toros, and Jamie bring their glasses together for a toast.

            "You guys did great out there," Jamie complements again.

            "We know. No one can beat our cats."

            "We're the ultimate team," Bit says taking a drink.

            "That's no lie."

            "This isn't fair. She hasn't been around that long and they're praising her like a goddess. It isn't fair. If there was only some way I could break them up, then I can show them how great I am," Leena whispers to herself sitting on the other side of the room.

            “Good morning everyone.” The doctor greets everyone as he comes in all dressed. Bit, Jamie, and Leena sit at the table eating lunch.

            “Dad, it’s noon already. Where have you been?”

            “Oh well, I went to my game room this morning and I guess I just lost track of time.” He sits down and starts to serve himself. “By the way, where’s Ami?”

            “She’s slept in the whole morning. I tried to wake her up, but she wouldn’t even respond,” Bit says.

            “I thought I heard her scream last night. Maybe she had a nightmare or something and stayed awake most of the night,” Jamie says getting up with his plate.

            “Hm, I want pancakes. How much longer Jamie?” Ami says coming in her pajamas and a package tucked under her arm. She yawns and heads for the table.

            “Breakfast was a long time ago. We just had lunch,” Leena answers.

            “Oh, okay.”

            “Is something wrong? You usually don’t sleep in late,” Bit asks.

            “Oh, I just had a bad dream. That’s all.” She sits down and rests her head on the package. “Oh yeah. Bit, this package came for you.” She gives him the package and begins to pick at whatever food is left.  Bit takes the package and opens it.

            "Oh wow. I was wondering when it would come back." He takes out a glass clock and holds it.

            "Wow, that's beautiful. How did you get it?" Leena asks.

            "My grandfather gave it to me before he died. I sent it off to be fixed a couple of weeks ago because it looked like it was getting pretty beaten. I don't know what I would do if I found out something happened to it."

            "Hm, I wonder…"

            "Oh by the way, we've been challenged by the Gemini Team. These two warriors have hyped up Command Wolves and use teamwork to defeat their enemies. They are extremely good fighters. This means that only two of you guys can battle, and it seems that they’ve requested to fight Bit and Ami."

            "They must have heard about their winning streak lately," Jamie comments.

            "So, are you two ready for the challenge?"

            "I'm always ready for a battle to show off my great skills," Bit answers.

            "Me too. Cats versus dogs-that'll be a great battle."

            Ami enters Bit's room and turns on the light. "Now where did he leave that part?" She looks around and sees the object on his dresser, next to the clock. "There it is." She walks over, picks it up, and exits. AS she walks by, she spots Leena holding a small garbage bag. "Hey Leena."

            "Hi there Ami." Ami runs off and Leena heads in the other direction.

            "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Everyone runs into Bit's room and sees him on the ground.

            "What happened Bit?" Leena asks.

            "My clock. It's broken. I don't know how. It wasn't by the edge or anything. Something must have knocked it over."

            "Or maybe someone. Ami was the last person to come into your room Bit," Leena answers with a smirk.

            "Well, yeah. Bit wanted me to get something that was on his dresser."

            "So you knocked it over?"

            "I didn't. It was perfectly safe when I left."

            "You're lying." Bit stands up and looks at her.

            "What! Why would I lie about something like breaking a clock?" Ami says raising her voice.

            "Because you're jealous of my great fighting skills."

            "What are you talking about? That doesn't even make any sense."

            "You know what? Just forget it. I'm not talking to you anymore."

            "Fine." Ami turns the other way and walks out.

            "This doesn't look good. If they don't start talking again, they won't be able to fight tomorrow."

            "Don't worry about it Jamie. Everything will be better by tomorrow."

"Alright you guys, the battle is going to start soon. Are you two ready?" the doctor asks Ami and Bit who have their arms crossed.

            "I refuse to battle with her."

            "And I him."

            "Are they still not talking to each other?"

            "Yep doc."

            "The only reason I accepted it so quickly was because I knew how great they worked together. Not what am I supposed to do?"

            "I can fight dad."

            "No offense Leena, but you would be knocked out in no less than five seconds." The doc looks toward Jamie. "What about you Jamie?"

            "You need me here to help with the strategy though."

            "So, I guess Bit and Ami will have to fight."

            "I said I refuse to fight with her."

            "And I said I with him."

            "Come on you two. You'll both get a bigger share of prize money. They're offering three times the normal amount of prize money."

            "Well, on that case…" they say at the same time.

            "Fire Cat ready to fight."

"Let's go Jagar."

"Now you two, you guys gotta work together if you want to win," Jamie comments.

"Don't worry about it. I'll beat both of them by myself," Bit answers.

"It's so nice to finally meet the duo of the Blitz Team." The two look ahead and see two Command Wolves.

"You two have developed quite the reputation," comments one of the two men.

"Wolves and dogs have existed for hundreds of years."

"Standing together, like twins, like brothers, no matter what to defeat their enemies."

"And because they always win by sticking together, we've decided to follow in their example."

"With our Command Wolves working together, no group can ever beat us."

"You will never be able to defeat the Gemini Team," the two say in unison.

"We'll see about that," Ami answers back.

"The area within a fifty mile radius has been designated as a Zoid battlefields. Only competitors and personnel are allowed. Battlefield 0983. The Gemini Team versus the Blitz Team. Ready? Fight!"

"Let's show them what we're made of Ligar."

"Let's go Rapidfire." Rapidfire and Ligar Zero charge for the Zoids.

"You know what to do, right Mikako?"

"Right Yamato." The Command Wolves split up and each Blitz team Zoid follows one.

Rapidfire charges one of the Command Wolves and fires at it. "Stay still creep."

"Now that wouldn't be any fun now, would it?" Mikako answers. He turns around and starts to fire at Ami. She heads closer to the Zoid and dodges the bullets.

"This is too easy." As she jumps for ht Zoid, it quickly moves out of the way and runs in the other direction.

"Catch me if you can girly."

"Come and get me boy!" The other Command Wolf fires at Bit from close range.

"Oh man, I gotta back off before I get hit too hard." He backs off and continues to follow it. "If only we could get closer Ligar."

The two Command Wolves meet each other followed by Rapidfire and the Ligar. AS Rapidfire fires, the two wolves move out of the way and the shots hit Ligar Zero instead. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

"I almost had him. If you weren't in the way, I would have had that Command Wolf." The two enemies split up again and the two cats split up as well.

Ami catches up to the wolf and goes in close, but the wolf starts to fire and hits her on every shot. "This makes no sense. He had trouble shooting close range before.

Ligar and Bit stay far away from their enemy. Soon, the Command Wolf fires and hits him. "Man, how come he can hit me from far distances now?"

"This looks really bad. Because Ami and Bit are fighting, they won't work together and the Gemini Team is really messing them up," Jamie comments watching the battle. "I don't know what to say."

"Well, if he only chose me to fight in the first place, none of this would be happening."

"But if we don’t win this battle, we'll be in debt for a long time. And just as we were out of it." Doctor Toros slumps in his chair.

"What?" Leena asks surprised.

"I never thought we could lose because it seemed that Bit and Ami were doing so well together. I guess this means no more upgrades and good food for a while. And then we'll have to cut back on other things too."

"Oh man, my plan is really backfiring."

"What plan are you talking about Leena?" Jamie asks staring at Leena.

"Oh, well, you see, I kind of set up Ami so that it looked like she broke Bit's antique clock, even though it really wasn't it. I thought if they wouldn't fight together, then I would get more time to battle. But I guess things didn' happen that way." Leena looks at her hands and plays with her nails.

"I can't believe this is all your fault because you were jealous. She is much more talented and prettier than you though, but still, you better tell Bit what you just said so they can make up and win us that money," Doctor Toros commands.

Bit takes another hit just as the two Command Wolves start to head toward each other again. "This really isn't working out."

"Hey Bit. Listen to me for a sec."

"Leena, why are you talking to me now?" Bit asks over the system.

"I have a confession. You see, Ami didn't break your clock. I just set things up so it looked like she did. You're clock is still safe. I just wanted to break you two up so then I could battle."

"I knew I didn't break. I told you Bit!"

"I can't believe it. Ami, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

"It's okay. I would have reacted the same way if something like that happened with me."

"Now that you two are friends again, go win that battle so I don't have to eat instant noodles for the next year."

"So what about it Bit? Ready to fight with me again?"

"I sure am, but you know I'm still the better fighter." He smiles at her.

"Let's talk about that another time. Now,"

"It's time to show those dogs what cats are really made of. When we're done with you, we'll have you spinning in circles!" the partners shout in unison.

"Wanna bet?" Mikako asks snickering. Rapidfire and Jagar start their charge toward the two dogs as they split up.

"Have you found that when we head here, the wolves seem to change weapons?" Ami asks.

"Yeah. Mine first couldn't shoot at far distances, than could."

"Mine couldn't shoot close distances, but then it could."

"I think they switched on us."

"Well then, let's switch on them. Head towards me."

"Okay." The two cats change directions.

"Hey, where are you going?" The two dogs also change directions and chase the cats. They head for the middle again.

"You guys should give up. Running away won't save you."

"Oh, but we aren't running away. Time to finish them off Bit. You know what to do?"

"Sure do. Let's pick up the speed Ligar." He puts the boosters on and Ligar speeds up, running in circles around the entrapped Command Wolves. Rapidfire soon does the same. All the enemy can see is a giant dust circle around them.

"Where are they Mikako?"

"I don't know. Just start firing." They begin firing and don't seem to land any shots. Soon, the two wolves run out of ammo.

"It's time Ami. Let's go for it." The circle then starts to glow. "Strike…"


"Claw!" They stop their circle and charge for different wolf and strike them at the same time. Pieces of the wolves come flying off and they fall to the ground.

"The battle is over. The winner is, the Blitz Team."

"Yeah!" Ami jumps out of her cockpit.

"We are the best!" Bit also jumps out.

"No one can beat us!" They shout while punching the air.

"Yay. Now we won't be in debt again," Leena says jumping up and down with her hands together.

"Now I can buy that part I've had my eye on."

"Doc!" Jamie complains.

"They've been by their Zoids for the past two hours. What are they doing?"

"I have no idea Jamie," Leena comments.

"You guys will find out shortly. Are you done yet?" Bit asks Ami while looking at what she's writing down.

"Almost. And…there!" She puts her pen down and shows it to Bit.

"So, what were you two doing?" Leena inquires.

"Well, since we are such a good team," Ami starts to say.

"We thought we would make a name for ourselves like the Gemini's. Here goes."

"Cats may not be man's best friend, but they sure can be friendly and gentle."

"But then again, cats can also be fiercesome creatures who will fight until the end."

"They are complex animals and that's why they are the superior animal."

"And we'll show you just how superior. I'm Bit," he says crossing his arms.

"And I'm Ami, the Fire Cat," she says putting her back to his.

"And with Ligar Zero and Rapidfire, we are…The Dual Cat Team." Ligar Zero and Rapidfire roar in the background, finishing the speech. After they are done, Leena, Jamie, and the Doc just stare.

"So, how do you like it?" the two ask. All three of them just stood frozen.

"I think they liked it," Ami says.

"Yeah, now we'll be cooler than we were before."

(Ami's Voice): So, its finally known. Who would of guessed that my little Rapidfire was an Ultimate-X? Anyways, to celebrate, the Doc has bought us a new component, but it’s a secret to everyone, even me. Meanwhile, Bit’s sick in bed and while I’m out on a run with my Rapidfire and Ligar Zero, the BackDraft comes and kidnaps the Ligar Zero and we have to fight to get it back. The problem is that they never fight fair. Well then, I’ll just show them how powerful my Ultimate-X really is. Next time on Zoids: Chapter Two- The Battle to Bring Back Ligar Zero, The Ultimate-X Rapidfire Takes Flight.

I know this was long. I tried to make the story better, like by not making Ami seem so perfect. Is there anything else I should do? Please respond and thanks for the reviews, even the bad ones.

-Chibi Reli

Zoids Chapter 2 This fanfic is complete. Hallelujah!

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