Zoids Chapter 2

By Chibi Reli, chibireli@yahoo.com
Home page http://www.geocities.com/chibireli/

Chapter 10:

The Last Part of the Agreement, The New Wolverine Zoid

Zoids: Chapter Two - The Blitz Team is in the S Class, but someone is leaving the group. The pilot taking his place is a girl named Ami Kamiya, or better known as Fire Cat with her one of a kind Zoid Rapidfire. Can this new team have what it takes and is Bit falling for the new pilot.

This fanfic tells what happens to the Blitz Team after the television show. The Zoid called Rapidfire and the pilot nicknamed Fire Cat are unique. Tim Seltzer, seltzer@seltzerbooks.com

Disclaimer: Chibi Reli does not own Zoids, but did create the original characters who are not from the TV show.

            “Harry, there’s someone here to see you.”

            “Tell them to come back later. I’m working on a Zoid to beat the Liger Zero,” he says as he works on an Iron Kong.

            “That’s why I’m here.” Benjamin walks into the Zoid storage area with a man behind him.

            “Huh?” He looks into the hallway and sees a tall man with sunglasses and black hair. “Who are you?” Harry asks putting down his wrench.

            “I’m a friend. I know how much you want to beat Bit Cloud and you see, the organization I work for also wants to beat him. I also have a Zoid that can help you out - a one of a kind that is guaranteed to defeat him if piloted properly.”

            “So, you want me to pilot this Zoid of yours-and it’s guaranteed to defeat the Liger Zero?” Harry approaches the man and stops a few feet away.

            “That’s right Harry. Will you take it?” Harry thinks about it for a while and smiles.

            “Of course I will.”

            “Then I’ll have it here in a few hours.”

           “Help! Help! We have an emergency! We have an emergency!” Ami runs into the common area to see everyone else seated.

            “What is it Ami?” Doctor Toros asks getting up from his seat.

            “My tail. It’s all out of shape. Look!” She takes her tail and holds it as it sparks and spasms. “I don’t know what to do. I’m afraid of what’s going to happen to it or to me. It means so much to me.”

            “Well then, we’ll get it looked at. But first, we have stuff to talk about.”

            “But my tail. It could die!” she screams as she starts to freak out.

            “Just shut up Ami. It’s only a piece of machinery. It will be fine for a few minutes.”

            “Okay.” She sits down next to Bit, coaxing her tail.

            “Thanks Leena dear,” Harry says over the vidscreen, blushing and smiling.

            “Whatever Harry. Now what did you want to talk to us about?”

            “I have a proposition for you guys. I want to battle you guys; Of course, I’ll pay five times the prize money if you win, which you won’t.”

            “What are you talking about Harry?” Jamie asks suspiciously.

            “I’ve come across a fabulous new Zoid that I know can defeat you and all I’ve wanted is to defeat you. Anyways, you still owe me Bit.”

            “What for?”

            “You know Bit.” He winks at him for reference.

            “Oh. Well, I don’t see anything wrong with a battle. We’re going to win anyways.”

            “I agree,” Leena says.

            “I don’t know about this.”

            “Come on Jamie. The money will help us out,” the Doc states.

            “Great. Then I’ll call the Zoid Battle Commission and get it finalized.”

            “So?” Bit asks the doctor with a black bag in his hand. The others except for Ami wait for his response.

            “I’ll have it for you in a few days. You’re just lucky I was near by.” He adjusts his glasses.

            “Thanks a lot. Is Ami gonna be okay?” Doctor Toros asks.

            “She’ll be fine. Just in a little pain, but nothing bad.”

            “Could we go check on her?” Jamie asks.

            “I don’t see why not?” Bit and Jamie walk into the room, leaving the Doc, Leena, and the doctor.

            “Thanks again.”

            “Oh no Doctor Toros, I should be thanking you.” He reaches into his pocket and takes out a little sheet of paper that he gives to Leena’s father. As the doctor leaves, he opens the paper to see it’s the bill.

            “What? It can’t be this expensive? It looks like we’re really going to need that prize money.”

            “Hey Ami, how’s it going?” Bit asks as he and Jamie approach Ami sitting on her bed.

            “Okay I guess. My back hurts though, but nothing a good Zoid battle won’t cure.” She gets off of her bed, rubbing her back, and after she takes a few steps, she starts to wobble and finally falls down. “Huh?” She gets up and tries to take another step and starts to fall, but Bit catches her.

            “Ami, what’s going on with you?”

            “I don’t know. I’ve never had this kinda trouble before.”

            “It’s her tail.”

            “What?” They ask Jamie.

            “You’re used to walking with you tail, and since normal people don’t have tails, you had to get used to walking with it. Now that it’s gone, your sense of balance is off, making it hard to walk. You’re going to have to get used to walking without now.”

            “Oh man. I miss my tail.”

            “Harry, I’m not so sure about this. I think that guy’s from the BackDraft.”

            “I agree with Benjamin Harry.”

            “Don’t worry about it. This will be my chance to beat Bit Cloud and then Leena will have to fall in love with me.”

            “Gunsniper ready for battle!”

            “Rapidfire ready to win another battle!”

            “Go Jagar.” They all launch and stand ready for battle on the field.

            “Alright you guys. We don’t know exactly what we’re up against, so be careful.”

            “Of course we know what we’re up against dad. Harry and his little robot partners. There’s nothing he can do to surprise us.”

            “Well we’ll just see then. Here they come.” Ami points at the sky to show the Whale King. From it, come two Iron Kongs and a strange black Zoid.

            “What is that?” Bit asks outloud.

            “I have no idea. It must be some new type of Zoid.”

            “That’s right.  Say hello to the new Wolverine Zoid, the most powerful one out there. Aren’t you impressed Leena my sweet?”

            “It looks stupid to me, but we’ll see what happens.” From the sky, comes the judge and lands nearby.

            “The area within a fifty mile is a designated Zoid battlefield. The Blitz Team versus the Champ Team.  Battlefield 0992. Ready? Fight!”

            “Okay you guys. I get Harry and you two get the Benjamin and Sebastian.”

            “Okay.” Jagar runs off forward while Rapidfire and the Gunsniper went out.

            “Nice to see you Bit.”

            “Same here Harry. I still can’t figure out why you would want to battle me.”

            “Oh, you’ll see.”

            “Here robot, robot.”

            “Come out and play.”

            “Yeah, we just want to have some fun.” The two girls try to tease with the robots.

            “Sorry, but you won’t be having any fun. We’ll be having all the fun around here,” says from is Zoid as the two girls stand away.

            “Why don’t you try this on?” Benjamin fires missiles from the right Iron Kong straight for Ami and Leena, but they quickly get away.

            “I get the one on the right.”

            “Sure thing Leena. And I’ll get the one on the left.”

            “Let’s show them what we’re made of Benjamin.”

            “Right.” Benjamin charges for Leena, but she suddenly stops.

            “You won’t get that far. Weasel Unit Total Assault!” Smoke covers and when it clears, an out of commissioned Zoid lies on its side.

            “No fair.”

            “Come on kitty. Come and get me.”

            “Man. That phrase is really getting on my nerves!” Ami charges as Sebastian comes toward her. As he strikes, she quickly moves to the side.

            “Hey. Come back here.” He tries to look for her.

            “Only if you can catch me.” She continues her quick dodges and running in circles.

            “Stay still then.”

            “Then it’s no fun.” The Iron Kong keeps moving back and forth, trying to see where Rapidfire is going, but is unsuccessful.

            “No, my circuits are getting fried!”

            “Too bad. Strike Laser Claw.” He falls to the ground.

            “Why don’t I ever get the easy opponents?”

            “Try this one on.” Bit charges for Harry again, but Harry simply jumps out of the way, twisting himself in the air in order to hit the Liger Zero.

            “Surprised aren’t you Bit? The Wolverine is a top of the line Zoid and it will beat you.”

            “Not if I have anything to do with it.” He charges again, but Harry again flips away and fires at Bit.”

            “Jamie, Doc, I need some help here.”

            “We’re on it. Ami, Leena, go over and help Bit out.”

            “Got it Jamie.”

            “We’re on our way,” Leena responds.

            “I can’t believe this. How could a Zoid do tricks like this?” Jamie asks.

            “I don’t know, but we better figure out a way to win.”

            “Ready Bit?”

            “Weasel Unit Total Assault!” The Wolverine jumps out again.

            “Whoa. How did he do that?” Ami says as she starts to fire, but misses every shot.

            “That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out,” Bit says as he waits for the others to get closer.

            “What should we do?” Ami asks.

            “Try attacking all at once. He can’t possibly be able to dodge all your fire power.”

            “Let’s do it.” As they fire, Harry dodges them with quick jumps and flips.

            “Your weapons won’t be able to help you here. In fact, nothing will. Now I’ll show you who’s the best warrior and Leena will be mine.”

            “How can a Zoid flip like that? Wouldn’t he lose his balance?” Leena inquires.

            “Balance? That’s it! Balance!”

            “What are you talking about Jamie?”

            “I think he’s finally lost it you guys.”

            “I haven’t lost it Doc, but I’ve found the answer. It’s his tail! His tail is helping him!”

            “What?” Ami asks confused as she dodges an attack from Harry.

            “Usually a Zoid can’t move in such a way as the Wolverine because they would lose their balance like Leena said, but the Wolverine uses its tail to help balance itself so it can do those types of moves.”

            “Hey. I think I got it. If we can get rid of its tail, it will lose its sense of balance, just like when Ami couldn’t walk when she didn’t have hers.”

            “Right. But how are we supposed to do that?” Leena questions.

            “Ami, come back to the hover cargo and change into your laser cannon. Bit and Leena, you guys distract Harry.”

            “Got it.” Ami runs back for the cargo as Bit and Leena continue to fight. “Bit, make sure you tease Harry though. Get him all flustered.”

            “Gotcha. Hey Harry, you know what?”


            “You’re nothing but an overbearing, snob who’s full of himself and will never get Leena.”

            “What?! How dare you!” Bit sticks out his tongue over the vidscreen.

            “Ug! You’ll pay for that!”

            “Really? I wasn’t sure if you capable of counting that high.”

             Ami comes back out with her laser cannon mounted on top and heads for the others. “Alright Jamie, what now?”

            “The only reason Harry is battling is because of Bit. So as Bit distracts him, you run behind and try to shoot off his tail.”

            “That’s easier than said Jamie. He moves around too much.”

            “That’s why you’re using the laser. It’s more accurate and should take the tail out in one blast.”

            “Whatever you say.”

            “Come on Harry. My grandma can fight better than you.”

            “Why you little…take this!” Harry fires and Bit and Leena continue their defense.

            “Hey you guys. Just wait a little more. Ami is taking her place. Just keep Harry distracted and as still as possible.”

            “But I’m running out of insults Jamie.”

            “Leena, give him some good insults.”

            “Um, uh, I don’t know.”

            “Wait. I know. Hey Harry, I don’t know how you could be in love with a witch like Leena.”

            “What!” Leena and Harry scream out.

            “You’ll pay for that Bit.”

            “How dare you insult my lady love?”

            “Okay. Here we go.” Rapidfire starts to lock on the Wolverine, but it still seems to move around a lot. “Come on. Stay still. Bingo. Bye bye tail.” She fires her laser and the Wolverine’s tail falls off.

            “What in the world? My tail! What happened to it?” He turns around to see Rapidfire in back and charging toward him. “How dare you damage the king’s Zoid?”

            “Sorry, but I just really care about winning.” She starts to fire and Harry attempts to jump, but is unable to flip around.

            “No. I can’t believe it.”

            “It looks like you’re powerless now Harry,” Bit says laughing at him.

            “Leena, you want to do the honors?” Ami asks.

            “I would love to. Weasel Unit Total Assault!”

            “Oh man.”

            “The winner is the Blitz Team.”

            “Yeah. We did it thanks to Jamie and Ami’s tail trouble.”

            “Things aren’t done yet Bit.” HE turns around to see a very angry Leena.

            “You aren’t still mad about that comment, are you?”

            “I sure am.” She starts to fire and Bit runs away as she follows.

            “But I didn’t mean it. It was only for the battle!”

            “Oh man. I love my tail!” Ami takes her tail and starts to hug it.

            “That tail came in real handy. We may not have won if it wasn’t for your tail.”

            “Yep. My tail really is handy. And hopefully I won’t have to get rid of it for a while.” She looks at the doc who is eating a cookie next to her. She takes her tail and grabs it out of his hand and eats it.

            “Hey! That was mine.”

            “Sorry, but I was hungry. Have I mentioned how handy my tail really is?

(Jamie’s Voice): We’ve been doing great up ‘til now. And there are only a few more days before the big Zoids Championship where all Zoid warriors battle one on one until only one Zoid is left standing. IT looks like the BackDraft is back again with the Wolverine, except that it seems to be a little different. It’s way stronger than it was when Harry piloted it? What should we do? Next time on Zoids: Chapter Two- The BackDraft Changes It’s View, Wolverine Back to Fight to the Death.

Zoids Chapter 2 This fanfic is complete. Hallelujah!

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