UA-112394588-1 UA-112394588-1 Game Review: God of War   Author    About Us

Game Review: God of War

by Tim Seltzer,
System: Playstation 2
Rating: 10/10

Now, most games do have a final objective, but this one says the idea on the very back of the box. Your mission: kill Ares, the Greek god of war. A tall order to be sure, and this game deals with it spectacularly.

You control a Spartan warrior, who lost his honor and family long ago, as he tries to save Athens from demons sent by Ares. Slicing through hundreds, living by his own code, and tortured by ghosts of the past, Kratos will not let anything stop him from gaining his vengence against the god of war. Not even death itself…

Fast paced action, innovative movements and controls, a storyline that will leave you feeling extraordinarily satisfied at the end, a soundtrack that makes you feel even more engaged in the combat, and voice acting that I never thought possible, this is a real gem. You will want to play it over and over, until the disk is worn out and your system needs a new laser reader.

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