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Attached is a list of the books I read in 1994. Sometimes I add markers like (*) to indicate books I particularly like. I also try to keep track of how many books of a particular kind (novel, etc.) and from a given country and century (Eng. 19th, etc.), I read each year. For the complete list of my reading since 1958, see

Richard Seltzer


1 John Hersey 1 The Child Buyer 20/1 AMER N1

2 William C. Williams 1 Pictures from Brueghel 20/2 AMER P1

3 Tillich 1 Dynamics of Faith 20/3 AMER PH1

4 Plato 3 Apology BC/1 GRE PH2

5 Plato 4 Crito BC/2 GRE PH3

6 Ramsey 1 Religious Language 20/1 ENG PH4

Feb. 1966

7 Hannah Arendt 1 The Human Condition 20/1 GER PH5

8 Baruch 1 One Little Boy 20/4 AMER PSY1

9 Friedrich Nietzsche 3 Genealogy of Morals 19/1 GER PH6

March 1966

10 Aristotle 1 Poetics BC/3 GRE PH7

11 Sigmund Freud 4 Intro to Psychoanalysis 20/1 AUST PSY2

12 Bertold Brecht 1 Mother Courage 20/1 GER PL1

13 Edward Albee 2 The Zoo Story 20/5 AMER PL2

14 Edward Albee 3 American Dream 20/6 AMER PL3

15 Randall Jarrell 1 Woman at the Washingon Zoo 20/7 AMER P2

16 e.e. cummings 1 100 Selected Poems 20/8 AMER P3

April 1966

17 Joseph Conrad 2 Lord Jim 20/1 POL N2

18 Randall Jarrell 2 Lost World 20/9 AMER P4

19 Vladimir Nabokov 2 Invitation to a Beheading 20/1 RUSS N3

20 Robert P. Warren 1 All the King's Men 20/10 AMER N4

21 Edward Albee 4 The Sandbox 20/11 AMER PL4

May 1966

22 Ferlinghetti 1 Coney Island of the Mind 20/12 AMER P5

23 Tillich 2 Courage to Be 20/13 AMER PH8

24 Collingwood 1 Principles of Art 20/2 ENG PH9

25 Shevchenko 1 Poems 20/2 RUSS P6

26 Ionesco 2 Les Chaises (francais) 20/1 FREN PL5

27 Ionesco 3 La Lecon (francais) 20/2 FREN PL6

28 Leo Tolstoy 4 The Cossacks 19/1 RUSS N5

29 Ionesco 4 La Cantatrice Chauve (francais) 20/3 FREN PL7

30 Erik Erikson 1 Young Man Luther 20/14 AMER PSY3

June 1966

31 J.D. Salinger (repeat) Catcher in the Rye 20/15 AMER N6

32 F. Scott Fitzgerald 2 The Great Gatsby 20/16 AMER N7

33 Andre Gide 2 L'Immoraliste 20/4 FREN N8

34 William Faulkner 4 As I Lay Dying 20/17 AMER N9

35 Shakespeare 11 Henry IV, Part 2 16/1 ENG PL8

36 Shakespeare 12 Richard III 16/2 ENG PL9

37 Arthur Miller 2 Death of a Salesman 20/18 AMER PL10

July 1966

38 Woolf 2 Mrs. Dalloway 20/3 ENG N10

39 William Faulkner 5 Requiem for a Nun 20/19 AMER N11

40 John Hersey 2 Too Far to Walk 20/20 AMER N12

41 Robert Lowell 1 For the Union Dead 20/21 AMER P7

42 Collette 1 La Chatte (francais) 20/5 FREN N13

August 1966

43 Stendahl 1 Le Rouge et le Noir (francais) 19/1 FREN N14

44 Moliere 6 Le Tartuffe (francais) 17/1 FREN PL11

45 German Short Stories ST1

46 Edith Wharton 1 Ethan Frome 20/22 AMER N15

September 1966

47 Schlesinger 1 Crisis of the Old Order 20/23 AMER HIS1

Yale, sophomore

October 1966

48 James Joyce 2 Collected Poems 20/1 IR P8

49 Andre Gide 3 Les Faux-Monnayeurs (francais) 20/6 FREN N16

50 Marcel Proust (repeat) Un Amour de Swann (francais) 20/7 FREN N17

51 Francois Mauriac 2 Le Desert de l'Amour (francais) 20/8 FREN N18

52 Andre Gide 4 Journal des Faux-Monnayeurs (fran) 20/9FREN CR1

November 1966

53 Shakespeare 13 Richard II 16/3 ENG PL12

54 Sarraute 1 Martereau 20/10 FREN N19

55 Herman Hesse 4 Demian 20/2 GER N20

56 Duggan 1 New Zealand Poems 20/1 N.Z. P9

57 Loren Eiseley 1 The Immense Journey 20/24 AMER SC1

58 Copleston 1 History of Philosophy, v.7, I 20/4 ENG PH10  privacy statement
