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Attached is a list of the books I read in 1994. Sometimes I add markers like (*) to indicate books I particularly like. I also try to keep track of how many books of a particular kind (novel, etc.) and from a given country and century (Eng. 19th, etc.), I read each year. For the complete list of my reading since 1958, see

Richard Seltzer

1 Boccacio 1 The Decameron 14/1 ITAL N1

2 Dean Howells 1 Rise of Silas Lapham 19/1 AMER N2

3 Thomas Hardy 1 Mayor of Casterbridge 19/2 AMER N3

4 Alexandre Dumas 2 The Cenci 19/1 FREN HIS1

5 Charles Dickens 2 Hard Times 19/1 ENG N4

6 Tarle Bonaparte 20/1 FREN BIO1

7 Vladimir Nabokov 1 Lolita 20/1 RUSS N5

summer vacation

8 Herman Wouk 1 Youngblood Hawke 20/1 AMER N6

9 Niccolo Machiavelli 1 The Prince 16/1 ITAL HIS2

10 Clausewitz 1 The Principles of War 19/1 GER HIS3

11 O. Henry 1 Gentle Grafter 20/2 AMER ST1

12 Leo Tolstoy 2 War & Peace 19/1 RUSS N7

13 Fredrick Allen 1 Only Yesterday 20/3 AMER HIS4

14 Aristophanes 2 Clouds BC/1 GRE PL1

15 Erskine 1 Private Life of Helen of Troy 20/3 AMER N8

16 Bertrand Russell 1 Understanding History 20/1 ENG PH1

17 Aristophanes 3 Frogs BC/2 GRE PL2

18 Barbara Tuchman 1 Guns of August 20/4 AMER HIS5

19 O. Henry 2 Whirligigs 20/5 AMER ST2

20 William Faulkner 1 The Rievers 20/6 AMER N9

Holderness School, junior

21 William Golding 1 The Lord of the Flies 20/2 ENG N10

22 Nikolai Gogol 1 Dead Souls 19/2 RUSS N11

23 Cleator 1 Lost Languages 20/7 AMER SC1

24 John Strachey 1 The End of Empire 20/3 ENG HIS6

25 Eve Curie 1 Marie Curie (en francais) 20/1 FREN BIO2

26 Djilas 1 Conversations with Stalin 20/1 YUGO HIS7

27 Djilas 2 New Class 20/2 YUGO HIS8

28 Niccolo Machiavelli 2 Mandragola 16/2 ITAL PL3  privacy statement
