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Strength Comes With Time

by Tim Seltzer,

Disclaimer: I own none of the Inuyasha characters. They belong to their respected (and overly rich) creators and owners. If I owned them then I'd make a movie instead of a fanfic. 

Chapter 14: Fall of Spider and Hound

Kohaku suddenly fell to the ground, pain filling his veins. Damn, it felt like a thunderstorm was tearing through his insides. Tearing him from the inside out. This was even worse than Zack's transformations. Then again, no memories gained from another can hold this much pain. Only one thought kept him from losing his mind, to KILL Naraku.

His arms felt like they were snapping and rearanging inside of him, the agony sharp and burning. His legs: growing, itching, just asking to be scratched until they bled. Muscles expanded faster than his mass for a moment, making him feel like a bulky monster. In mere moments, however, it ended.

He looked at his body in surprise. Shouldn't he be out of control by now? His face felt human-like...if you ignored the hair. The rest of him was werewolf down to the letter. Was it because he didn't try to fight the change?

He heard a yell of frustration, his now demon ears picking up Naraku's voice. It sounded frustrated. "DAMNIT!! That FOOL!! He FAILED to MENTION DEMON BLOOD doesn't work well with the CHANGE!!"

Something dawned on Kohaku. The shard in his back! Taking a nail, he scratched at it, and tore it out. Pain filled his body again. In the corner of his eye he saw two strangers and...Rin? Oh shit. Now he fought the change, to no avail. His mind losing all humanity, and the snout now growing painfully.

Screaming in agony, he soon found primal urges conflicting with his conscious mind. His head felt like it would split open any second.

When it was done, only one thought was in his head -- hunger. He sniffed the air. He sensed a half-demon, a wind demon, a human, and another werewolf in the area.

He growled. This was his hunting ground. The two with demon blood would be torn apart. Then he would take the soft, sweet flesh of the human girl for his own. If the other werewolf fought for it, then only one would remain alive to have girl flesh.

He then leaped towards a door, and ripped it open. The half-demon was with the other werewolf. Good, two problems at once.

Sesshomaru had only one thing in mind: pain. According to Jaken, these fools knew who Rin was. Knew what to do to get his attention. And they would soon find that getting a Taiyoukai's attention was fatal.

Sesshomaru heard a click sound, and stopped. The ground he would have been in if he had kept going burst into flames. The demon lord raised an eyebrow. Kitsune magic, fire type. Perhaps a two tail at best. But where was it?

"Ah, so you're Sesshomaru-sama? I figured you'd come through here."

The voice sounded female, but came from all directions...okay, a five tail.

"Who are you?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Just call me Ghost."

The demon lord glared, "Are you with the two-tail that took Rin?"


He lifted his hand and green energy surrounded it. "Then die."

He then spun around, a greenish whip coming from his hand, ripping apart dozens of trees. One of them bled. He leaped at it, and grabbed hold of a female kitsune hanyou.

She smiled. "Time to go, Sesshomaru-sama."

The last thing Sesshomaru saw before blacking out was a green little ball, and a fire coming out of it.

It took three hours for Sesshomaru to wake up, and his body was in extreme pain. This was not a normal occurence for him.

The kitsune hanyou said, "I implanted lead in your system. It has a unique effect on demon blood on contact, you see. Much like an acid. While I have you down there..."

She then took a tube like thing and pulled a trigger. Lead pellets ripped through him, covering the wall behind him in blood.

"That won't kill you. It's only meant to give you agonizing pain and weaken you so you can't use your more colorful powers, so you can't fight back in the next world where I will send you to die -- permanently."

She then put her hands together and said, "Avarten, goshe mache."

The world around Sesshomaru seemed to turn to stars, and electricity surounded the now helpless 'demon lord'.

When Sesshomaru woke up, he saw blood all over his body. He examined his wounds. Damn.  Those small metal pellets were stinging him far too much. With his hand, he slowly removed one pellet after the other. Lead? What was lead?

The Taiyoukai looked around, wondering where he was. This wasn't the same place he had been when he was about to get to Rin.

But he did hear a familiar sound. Hmm, sounded like that same kind of pellet-shooting weapon, lots of them, and screaming humans. The humans were none of his affair, but... he had to destroy those weapons.

He tried to leap towards the sound, but fell flat just a foot ahead of where he had been. Damn, that was right. The lead.  That kitsune had implanted lead his body somehow, more than just those pellets. It was in his blood.  He'd have to wait for his body to heal itself, expel the substance, pissing it away. Yes, he would recover.  He had to recover.  He was a demon lord.  But that might take as long as a week.  And for now, that lead made him as weak as any human.

He then thought to do something he never would in any other time. Run. Now was no time to battle.

He took off in a sprint in the opposite direction, slightly disappointed at how slow he was going. Normally, he could outorun anything.  Now a three-legged horse could go faster than him, much less an upstart demon.

A loud whirring noise reached his ears, and soon he saw a floating metal steed with a human rider. Sesshomaru had no idea what that was, but when it started shooting at him from its nozzle, he knew what to do. He changed directions and dove, barely getting out of the path of the machine.  And still twelve lead pellets entered his body.

He pulled them out quickly, and ran deeper into the forest.  He stopped when he saw a burning village. Great, now humans from there might try to kill him, too; and he was so weak they might succeed.

The machine came back quickly, and stabbed him, pinning him to a tree.

Sesshomaru muttered, "I won't die here."

The human on the metal steed chuckled, "Too bad. You will," and pulled out another of those gadgets that shot lead pellets and aimed it at Sesshomaru's head. A loud crack sounded. That was the last thing he ever heard. And his very last thought was, "Rin."

Project Ghost held the remains of Sesshomaru's swords. If he wasn't dead from lead poisoning, the war in Wutai would kill him. Looking outward, she wondered if Naraku was dead yet, that's when the fun would really start.

She walked up to Adam and said, "The wolf clan in the area...let's see how well they handle one such as you."

Adam asked, "Shall I chase after the ones that survived the orcs?"

Ghost looked sadistic. "No, they'll die soon enough. If it's from me, or a lucky orc, or even one of the genma, they all will die."

Adam's human eye widened, "Genma? What are...genma? My systems hold no information of such beings."

"Because we just unleashed them. You wouldn't have been told. Now, deal with the wolves, and let me deal with the survivors as I see fit."

"Interesting. The wolves will be slaughtered immediately." The patchwork monster walked off, didn't notice Ghost staring at him with a dark smile. His usefulness, along with her own, was coming to a close. But, unlike him, she wouldn't die in a true sense...not like Sesshomaru or Naraku.

Feeling the need to speak to herself, she said, "The spider and hound have died. Soon enough, the time we cause chaos and destruction in this world will arrive. Rachel's prime directive will make them all die. All but the hanyou. All but Inuyasha. We will use his genes to create the ultimate army...and conquer all other worlds with his power."

Kyone walked through the blue portal and looked around. Well, it LOOKED like she, Miroku, and Shippo were back in the TIME they'd been in. But not the place. It looked like a ruined castle in ancient Japan, claw marks all over the place.

Rachel walked to one of the claw marks and commented, "Huh. Werewolves. Didn't think those were Japanese."

"They aren't." A ragged woman in a ruined kimono stepped out of the shadows. Her face was covered in mud and blood. Kyone couldn't tell if the blood was her own, .

Rachel asked, "Then why are two werewolves fighting a half-demon here?"

Huh? Kyone looked up, and saw wolf shapes moving towards them at a fast pace. She said, "Um, maybe we should run."

Shippo nodded, but Miroku shook his head. "That half-demon is Naraku, the man who cursed my bloodline. I'm not leaving until I see him die."

Kyone shrugged, and moved towards a down staircase. An arrow flew through the loose hair near her left ear. She jumped in shock, and suddenly noticed, standing in the corner, a woman dressed in the miko clothing of a Japanese priestess. The priestess asked, "Who are you? What do you know of werewolves? And why is it I couldn't tell Zack was one?"

Kyone's eyes widened,. "You know Zack? HE'S ONE OF THOSE TWO BEASTS?! DAMN, WE GOTTA SAVE HIM!!"

Rachel raised an eyebrow. "Save him? Anyone who changes like that loses all sense of his human self, while his wolf self takes over. The best thing you can do for your friend is either stay out of his way, and hope he survives until morning, when he will be like he was before."

The priestess aimed an arrow at Rachel. "I will not allow that. Naraku is the only half-demon that dies tonight. Now, tell me: what is a werewolf?"

Rachel sighed, "A werewolf is a human who turns entirely into a demon wolf on the night of a full moon, then returns to human shape at dawn. He's a cursed human, not a demon. Or to be exact, he's 57/60ths human and 3/60ths demon wolf; because he turns to a wolf three nights a month, the nights of the full moon."

Kikyo (the priestess in miko clothing) stopped listening when Rachel began explaining the math.  Instead, she focused on Naraku, who was still fighting the two werewolves in the distance. A complicated shot, but...

She looked right through him, seeing the Shikon no Tama that he had swallowed, and aimed at that and struck it directly with her arrow, deep inside his stomach.

For a moment, the air turned black around the arrow. Then rainbow color combinations started to fly out of the jewel. The werewolves and Naraku were enngulfed in the light.

She hadn't expected such a result. She had thought only Naraku would be effected.

She ran towards the growing ball of light, toward the two wolves, one of whom (which?) was Zack. She wanted to save him, but still, her first priority had be be  Naraku -- making sure he was dead.

The light faded. Two figures were standing -- a wounded Naraku, and a young boy (had he been one of the wolves?).  Where was Zack?

The naked boy caught her attention. A pre-teen. He had old battle scars all over his chest and legs, everywhere but his face. What kind of kid would have been in that many fights by his age?  What kind of kid would have survived. She looked him up and down, blushing. He had more muscles than most teenagers, but they seemed to fit him well, despite his small frame.

Then the action started again, waking Kikyo from her brief trance. The boy jumped and kicked out at Naraku with both feet, landing his blows like a karate black belt.

Oh shit, if she didn't hurry, the kid would kill him.  And she needed to be the one who killed Naraku, or she would be cursed for eternity!

But then she saw Zack's prone body. Blood was covering it, bones sticking out in weird angles.

"Oh god," she thought, "he could have become one of my ONLY true freinds, and I killed him."

She near fell down in grief, but the boy yelled, "FINISH HIM KIKYO!!"

Finally, she aimed and fired. To her it seemed the arrow moved in slow motion, taking hours before it struck Naraku in the heart.

She had done it. The curse was ended. But why didn't she feel ecstatic? Why didn't the change impact her physically, immediately? Oh, yeah, Zack was dead...

Now that same scene from the perspective of the young boy.

Kohaku (the young boy) was surounded by multi-colored light, as he slowly became conscious again. He was sore all over, but couldn't see any new wounds. Wait. Shouldn't his body feel too large for for his skin, now that he had gone from wolf back to human in an instant? He felt like he did on an ordinary day; as if he had never gone through the change.

He suddenly realized that the arrow it had purified the jewel, and the jewel had purified everything near it. That would mean that...Naraku was...

As the light died down, he saw two things that shocked him. One, Naraku was bleeding. And the second was that his blood was pure red. Naraku WAS human now. Naraku was a full blooded HUMAN now.

Kohaku looked toward Kikyo, and saw her nod at him with a blush. He smiled, she would get the finishing blow for sure. But first, he'd have a little fun with his old 'master'. Oh, this would be fun.

The young demon slayer cracked his knuckles. Maybe he should do some moves he remembered from Zack. Moves from the WWE. The mere thought of it made his blood pump faster.

Naraku seemed disoriented. "Wha...what's going on here? What just happened to me?"

Kohaku laughed darkly, "The beginning of your end, you half-demon has-been."

He then ran at Naraku jumped, legs in front. He drop-kicked him so high, his feet landed on Naraku's chest, stunning and staggering him. Before Naraku could recover, Kohaku grabbed his arms with his legs, and squeezed. The bones cracked and shattered, making Naraku scream in pain.

Kohaku looked down with a laugh. "You scream like a little girl."

He stood and pulled the much taller Naraku painfully to his feet, then and kicked him in the gut. As Naraku doubled over, Kohaku ducked under him, and lifted him with his back. Kohaku then yelled, "FINISH HIM, KIKYO! HE'S YOURS!"

She quickly pulled out an arrow and aimed. As the metal point pierced Naraku's dark heart, Kohaku dropped him to the ground, and grabbed the shaft of the arrow and shoved it completely through him, pinning his corpse to the ground.

He then looked up and noticed Zack's bloodied, lifeless body, a few feet away.  "Thanks," he whispered, respectfully.

Then in the distance beyond he spotted Sango.  "SISTER!" he yelled, running toward her, shocked at the sudden surge of his emotions from grief to delight.